Van Life! Vol.2: Mexico Journal
To say that 2020 was unprecedented is certainly an understatement. Our sense of identity, self-worth and place in the world were all uprooted in a matter of a few weeks. To experience a vulnerability so broad in scale is not one many of us have the skills to navigate emotionally let alone articulate. Many of us fought against our new circumstances, while many leaned into the new normal of uncertainty. The pandemic created an opportunity for me to experience an alternate lifestyle that I never would have been able to give to myself. I gave up my apartment and spent 2 months on the road living off the grid in a small camper van. The experience was everything I had been seeking for years. What are the things in our life we can give up and how readily can we change the expectations of how we lead our lives. The first stop on our trip was Baja California in Mexico. We were lucky enough to get into the country and spend a couple of leisure weeks enjoying the sounds and sights of the ocean.